The Early Years

“… and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (Matt. 16:18)

Holy Trinity Presbyterian Church (OPC) was formed as a mission work of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) in April 2007, at the Presbytery of the South’s meeting. Rev. David Smiley and Elder Al Hanna of Providence OPC in Bradenton and Rev. Bill Hobbs of Calvary OPC in Tallahassee were appointed as the overseeing session until the Lord raised up elders from within the congregation two years later.

On May 20, 2007, thirty-five people gathered to worship the Lord at HTOPC’s inaugural public worship service. The Associate General Secretary of the Committee on Home Missions Rev. Richard Gerber presided. On August 12, 2007, twenty-five people were received as our first members.

On May 8, 2009, our congregation, until then a mission work, became a particular church of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. At the same time, the Reverend Dr. Robert L. Reymond was received into the OPC Presbytery of the South. Soon after, our first elders and deacons were ordained and installed. Dr. Reymond served faithfully as stated supply of HTOPC until his retirement in 2010. He and his wife Shirley were later called into glory.

Ten Years of God’s Grace

In August of 2011, Rev. Chad Mullinix was called as our first full-time pastor. He served as stated supply until ordained and installed as pastor on December 9, 2011. Bill Watson and deacons Anthony Burgos and Michael Summers who were both installed on February 16, 2014.  On August 6, 2017, Matt Buttner was added to the session upon his installation and ordination. God has been faithful to provide and care for His flock at Holy Trinity Presbyterian Church and is true to His promise to build His church and care for it as the Chief Shepherd.

Early 2018 was a major turning point in the history of HTOPC. We began a journey of revitalization and renewal. It started with bringing the mission and vision of HTOPC into sharper focus, which then God used to guide our efforts toward greater health and vitality by His grace.

Toward the end of 2018 our beloved pastor Chad Mullinix took another pastoral call at an OPC in central Pennsylvania.

Where We Are Today

Upon the departure of our former pastor, a Pastoral Search Committee was formed to begin looking for another pastor. After reviewing several highly qualified pastoral candidates, the Search Committee recommended one candidate to the congregation. The congregation of Holy Trinity OPC extended the calling of Senior Pastor to Mr. Christian Khanda. Mr. Khanda, who was interning at Hope OPC in Illinois accepted the call and he and his family moved in April 2019 to begin the process of ordination.

On January 4, 2019, Rev. Bill Watson was ordained as a minister and installed as pastor. On May 24, 2019, Rev. D. Christian Khanda was ordained as a minister and installed as pastor.

In 2019, Pastor Bill Watson and Pastor Christian Khanda were involved in training future leaders of the church as elders and deacons.

In February 2020, Mr. Eric Pastorek was ordained as a ruling elder and Mr. Bill Carlisle was ordained as a deacon. Praise the Lord!